
Tofunmi Yosola* is a visual artist, professional illustrator and creative problem solver based in England, UK. Her work combines wispy lines, vivid colours, subtle textures and uncountable inspirations from childhood till present.
Through her work, she hopes to evoke a sense of wonder, euphoria, power and tranquillity. These are the nice feelings she’s accumulated from her myriad of inspirations and she’d like to share that with people.
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About Client Services
Welcoming illustration projects of many applications, themes**, industries, markets and cultures from anywhere in the world. Tofunmi works with clients to reach their audience through vivid striking illustrations; an organic combination of art and design.Licensing of existing illustrations for use in commercial is also available.
[ ︎Work With Me ]
︎ Tofunmi has worked with...American Bar Association (ABA), Dear Damsels, Deseret Magazine, the Guardian, Penguin Random House, Texas Highways...
Mendola Art Reps
︎...And they said this
“ Tofunmi has been a joy to work with on multiple book covers -- she delivered thoughtful illustrations that fulfilled the briefs beautifully (and not to mention right on time). The books have turned out gorgeous! “
Vi-An Nguyen, Art Director (Penguin Random House)
“We really appreciated how promptly Tofunmi delivered at every stage of this process. We always knew exactly where we were at and when to expect the next stage. Her clear communication was incredibly helpful and definitely helped keep the project on track. And as for the final illustration – we love it! She has absolutely captured the spirit of the brief."
Abby & Bridie, Founders (Dear Damsels)
About the Print Shop
Beautiful llustrated goods to personify spaces and bring little smiles to faces as you go about your day; please support and visit the ↗ print shop at your leisure.Press / Interviews
↗ Creative Boom (F)↗ Communication Arts (I)
*Pronounced /Toh-foo-me/ • /Yuh-Suh-Lah/
**Think Beauty Product Campaigns, Book and Magazine Cover illustrations, Fashion, Food, The Google Doodle (wink, hint, wink)... illustrations for Merchandise (such as t-shirts and bags), Office/Shop Murals , Packaging… anything images can go on or be used for.